On our server, PHP is installed as the CGI (suPHP) handler. 

Therefore, any user can create their own php.ini file and place it in the called script folder. 

It’s very convenient since you can edit your settings on your own without addressing the tech support. 

If you’ve decided to place the file somewhere in public_html, add it to the .htaccess directives too.

Order allow,deny

Deny from All

to deny viewing the php.ini file to strangers.

With PHP set up as a CGI handler, you cannot use php_value directives in the .htaccess file (this will cause a 500 error).

If you don’t need to employ global changes, you can simply use the ini_set() function in the code of the script. 

NOTE: Personal php.ini file is valid only within the directory where it’s placed. 


If PHP is installed on your server as FastCGI handler, then you don’t have a chance to edit the personal php.ini file. All changes in settings are performed by a tech support member after they have received your request

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