Many users care which PHP version is installed on the server of their hosting provider. That’s because their sites require a specific PHP version and the given website can only work on this particular version.

Oftentimes, users buy a hosting plan first and then transfer website data (files and databases) on the servers of their hosting provider. Only then they are trying to find out which PHP version in particular matches their website.

In the case when the versions don’t match, users need to ask tech support of their hosting company to transfer the website to a different server which supports another PHP version. The transfer is bound to influence the website performance and takes time (it sometimes may take a lot of time if your website files take up several GB).

With the help of Cloud Linux OS, the problem with PHP versions for websites was solved not so long ago. The solution became known as the cPanel PHP Selector module. If you own a VPS or dedicated server, all you have to do is install the LVE Manager on the server with the help of your WHM control panel. After that, you need to install the PHP Selector with the necessary PHP versions and modules. 

yum install lvemanager

yum groupinstall alt-php

After the installation, the LVE Manager appears in your WHM panel:



It’s well-worth mentioning that PHP Selector, which is included in the LVE Manager contents, is paid for. See the license prices here.

After you purchase a license and finish installing the module, your hosting can support more than the two installed PHP versions simultaneously. You can choose the version for your website on your own (this also refers to the shared hosting users); and you’ll also be able to activate the necessary modules and accelerators. 

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